“If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb.” According to an article in the Farmers Almanac, this popular quote comes from old folklore who believed that bad spirits had a strong influence on the upcoming weather. Because of this belief, people perceived that if the month of March came in with stormy weather (roaring like a lion), it would go out with calm, beautiful weather (like a lamb).
Certain months in the school year can also come roaring in and make things tough. Leadership in the school environment at these times is challenging, but with the right skill set, resources, and support, these tough times can quickly turn a lion into a lamb. An article in Forbes titled “The Eight Characteristics Of Effective School Leaders” lists characteristics to develop in order to become a more effective school leader.
According to a study conducted by the Institute of Education in London, leadership is the key to driving and sustaining successful change in a school system. Below is the list of the eight most important skills demonstrated by the leaders cited in this study:
They have consistent, high expectations and are very ambitious for the success of their pupils.
They consistently demonstrate that disadvantage need not be a barrier to achievement.
They focus relentlessly on improving teaching and learning with effective professional development for all staff.
They are expert at assessment and the tracking of pupil progress with appropriate support and intervention based upon a detailed knowledge of individual pupils.
They are highly inclusive, having full regard for the progress and personal development of every pupil.
They develop individual students by promoting rich opportunities for learning both within and out of the classroom.
They cultivate a range of partnerships particularly with parents, business and the community to support pupil learning and progress.
They are robust and rigorous in terms of self-evaluation and data analysis with clear strategies for improvement.
If March came “in like a lion” for you and your colleagues, let Time ReDesigned help ensure that it “goes out like a lamb." We are here to help you improve your time management skills, support your unique leadership style, and improve student outcomes in your school/district.