Time Is Money!
The phrase, “there are never enough hours in the day” is so prevalent in school administrator’s conversations that anyone who knows a school administrator has likely heard them utter these words. Time Management is one of the areas that challenge so many of us in our professional lives. The hard truth is, we all have the same amount of time but the cold hard truth is that most of us don’t have any data regarding how we are spending our time each day. Do you know how much time you are spending on key indicators related to student success each day? Chances are you might think you have a good idea where your time is going, but chances are even better you would be surprised by your data! 100% of your colleagues implementing Time ReDesigned were surprised when they received the data from their first Time Audit.
We have all heard the famous words from Benjamin Franklin, “Time is money,” in which he is referring to the idea of opportunity cost. What is opportunity cost? In simplistic terms, it describes the basic relationship between the choices we make related to scarce resources. Every day we decide how we will spend scarce resources, such as time and money. Unfortunately, without data related to how we are spending our time, it is almost impossible to know how to reallocate our time to improve our professional reality.
At Time Redesigned we provide the data and the tools necessary to answer the burning question… “How am I spending my professional time?” We will provide you with strategies to reallocate your time and increase your overall efficiency and effectiveness throughout your work day. By exercising conscious control over the amount of time allocated to specific tasks you can reclaim hours of precious professional time each week. Trust me when I say “it really adds up”!
Let’s Do the Math! In our next 4 Blog posts, we will be sharing strategies for time reallocation and showing you how the hours add up when you implement one or more of these strategies. Join us next month to learn about our “Do It, Delegate It, or Dump It” strategy! You will be shocked to see how it all adds up!